Some Combinations Of JavaScript And ES6…

Azim Uddin Ahamed
3 min readNov 5, 2020
  1. Truthy and Falsy

there are some truth and falsy statement , if a variable declare a these words or these values (

0, null, undefined, "", NaN,false

) the statement will be falsy. Here is an example..

const name = 0if(name){console.log("Name is true");} else{console.log("Name is False");}expected Result //Name is False

if a variable declare a these words or these values (

"0", " ", [], {}, truth or any kind of object

) the statement will be truthy. Here is an example..

const name = "Karim"if(name){console.log("Name is true");} else{console.log("Name is False");}//Expected result : Name is True

2. Null Vs Undefined

If a statement or a variable uses these states , the answers will be Undefined or Null . Lets look at the overview.

let Pakhi;
//expected result : undefined
function add (num1, num2){
console.log(num1 + num2)
const result = add(12, 13);
//expected result : undefined

3.Double Equal or Tripple equal

If we use double equal (==) , the answer will not vary the data type , it will show any kind of output ,

If we use double equal (=+=) , the answer will vary the data type , it will show exact output .

4. Map , Filter, Find, Smart way for running loop

In ES6 , We will use Map instead of for loop .. Here is an example .

const Numbers = [23, 22,44,21,445,24]
const result = => x * x)

For filter method ,The output we get more data.

const bigger = numbers.filter(x => x > 5)console.log(bigger)

For find method , we get a single matched data.

5. Object Method Property

Usually , having a function in a object is defined Object method. Here is an example

const person = {
first : "Rahman",
second : "bhai",
getFullName : function(){
console.log(this.first, this.second)

6. Object Use Bind To Borrow Method From Another Object

If an object’s function used in another object function is called bind method . Here is an example

const person= {
first : "Rahman",
second : "bhai",
money :23440;
getBill : function (amount){ = this .money - amount
return this.salary
const bigperson = {
first : "jamal",
second : "Bhuia"
const BigChargeMoney = person.getBill.bind(bigperson)

7. title: Why We Need Accessibility? How Does It Work?

Accessibility: Accessibility in web page or referred to as a11y which can be used by everyone and more confidently used by those who are not able to read or cannot see .
There are some of guidelines for creating accessibility websites .


8.Asynchronus JavaScript SetTimeOut , SetInterval

If we call setTimeOut in a function , that function will execute after all function executed.

If we call setInterval in a function , that function will execute after all function executed and it will continue a moment while , if we set the exact time for looping .

